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smilax china

Rhizoma Smilacis Chinensis (English) ChinarootGreenbrierRhizome is also known as Jingang thorn, Jingang vine, mullet thorn, and white poria cocos. It comes from the rhizome of Smilax chinaL., a plant of Liliaceae. The plant form is a deciduous climbing shrub. The stem is slender and hard, with sparse thorns. Leaves alternate, with young leaves during flowering; Leather or paper, glossy, ovoid or oval shaped, 2.5-13cm long and 2.1-10cm wide, with a rounded or convex tip at the tip, a circular or shallow heart-shaped base, and a slightly pale white underside; The petiole is 5-15cm long, with tendrils on both sides, and the lower half is sheath-shaped. Umbrella axillary; The flowers are unisexual, Tepal 6, yellow or yellowish green; Male flower stamens 6; Female flowers with degenerate stamens 6, ovary superior. Berry is spherical and pink when ripe. The flowering period is from April to May. Born in the forests of mountain slopes and grasslands of barren mountains. Distributed in East China, Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei, and Henan. Harvest throughout the year or from late autumn to spring, wash and dry. The rhizome is irregularly blocky or slightly flat columnar in shape, with raised nodules, measuring 10-20cm in length and 1-2.4cm in diameter. The surface is yellowish brown or purplish brown, slightly uneven, with conical protrusions and hard fine root fracture marks at the tip. Extremely solid in texture, with a reddish brown fractured face and coarse fibrous texture. The taste is slightly bitter. The chemical composition contains smilaxaponinA, B, C (smilaxaponinA, B, C), as well as alkaloids, phenols, amino acids, and sugars. Mild in nature, sweet and sour in taste. Its main functions include dispelling wind, promoting dampness, detoxifying and dispersing blood stasis. Used for joint pain, muscle numbness, diarrhea, dysentery, edema, gonorrhea, boils, and swollen hemorrhoids.





First aid principles for electric shock

Electric shock occurs occasionally in people's lives, and mastering the first aid principles after an electric shock is of great significance for timely treatment. 1、 The local manifestations of symptoms include varying degrees of burns, bleeding, and blackening. The boundary between the burn area and normal tissue is clear. Or systemic dysfunction, such as shock, respiratory and cardiac arrest. The cause of death is due to the high inhibition of the brain (the respiratory center of the medulla oblongata) and the inhibition of the myocardium caused by electric current, resulting in ventricular fibrillation. The damage caused by electric shock is related to voltage, current, and the condition of the conductor in contact with the body surface. High voltage, strong current, low resistance, and damp body surface can easily lead to death: If the current is only transmitted from one limb or body surface to the ground, or if the limb is dry and has high resistance, it may cause burns but may not necessarily lead to death. 2、 First aid principle 1. After discovering someone who has been electrocuted, immediately cut off the power supply, pull down the switch, or use non-conductive bamboo or wooden sticks to separate the conductive body from the electrocuted person. Do not touch the person who has been electrocuted while the power supply is not cut off or the person who has been electrocuted is not disconnected from the power supply; 2. For those who have stopped breathing and heartbeat, boxing resuscitation or mouth to mouth artificial respiration and chest compression should be performed immediately until breathing and heartbeat are restored. If breathing does not recover, artificial respiration should be maintained for at least 4 hours or when there is stiffness and necrotic plaques before giving up rescue. It is better to inhale oxygen directly when conditions permit; 3. During on-site rescue, call medical personnel or seek assistance from relevant medical units as soon as possible. Use respiratory center stimulants to acupuncture the acupoints of Zhonghe and Shixuan in humans. Prohibit cardiac stimulants before cardiac arrest. 3、 Prevent and strengthen education on safe electricity use, regularly inspect and repair electrical equipment, comply with electricity usage regulations, do not randomly connect wires, do not dry clothes on energized wires, and do not touch broken wires; Do not stand on high walls, under trees, near electric poles, or near antennas during thunderstorms.





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